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The website is generated with Material for MkDocs from the contents of the assets/ directory. It is hosted by GitHub pages from the gh-pages branch.

To build the website locally, Go 1.22 (or later) and uv 0.4.15 (or later) must be installed. Python 3.10 (or later) is required, but may be installed with uv:

If Python 3.10 (or later) is not currently installed, install it with uv:

$ uv python install 3.10

Install the dependencies (the --frozen is optional but recommended):

$ uv sync --frozen

Test the website locally by running:

$ uv run task serve-docs

and visiting


The website is automatically deployed when new releases are created, but manual deployments can be triggered by maintainers with appropriate access using:

$ uv run task mkdocs gh-deploy